Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm Not Impressed That Team USA Men Beat Finland in Semifinals.

Yes, of course I'm glad they won but I'm not impressed. I just don't think they deserve all the accolades they received from the NBC broadcast team of Roenick, Milbury, and Bill Patrick for 'ruthlessly' beating Finland in the Semifinals on Friday, February 26, 2010. They talked about speed and transition. Team Canada is faster than the Finns, and they're not going to cough up the puck as much either.

I don't think the team did all they could. It was a 6-1 final score, but all 6 US goals happened in the first 12 or 13 minutes of the first period. They did nothing after that. Were they just defending their lead? Did they just come off the gas? Finland is no pushover on the ice, and they showed the occasional burst of life against the stingy defense of Team USA, but this was not a very consistently offensive game by the Stars and Stripes. New York Rangers Brandon Dubinsky and Chris Drury were inspired in their penalty kills - I was proud of my Rangers, but aren't they forwards?

If the USA Men's Hockey Team thinks they're going to beat Team Canada playing like that, they have a big surprise coming. They will need to keep the pressure on throughout all 60 minutes, or they will come up very short.